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Fiat Girls
About Us

Our History
The very first Fiat Girls to attend the UNCSW were brought by a parent who believed it was important for young women of faith to have a voice at the United Nations. She accompanied three high school students from Cumming, GA to the 52nd and 53rd UNCSW's, in 2008-9. In years following, fellow parent and educator Elizabeth King-Howard set the program in motion by solidifying its mission, developing a curriculum, and selecting a name that reflected a willingness to say yes to each of our personal faith journeys. This past year, 16 young women participated from seven states and 10 high schools: both public and private, Catholic and non-Catholic. As of 2018, more than 90 girls are proud to call themselves Fiat Alumnae.
Fiat Girls is currently in the process of organizing as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Our Friends
Fiat Girls gratefully acknowledge the support and guidance of the following individuals and entities:
Fr. Roger Landry, Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations
The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia of Nashville
The Sisters of Life, Manhattan
The Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi
St. Agnes Church, Manhattan
St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church, Cumming, GA
Campaign Life Coalition, and Life Ethics Education Association
World Youth Alliance
The Hampton Inn Manhattan Grand Central
Our Alumnae Say Yes!
Fiat Girls agree, this program is life-changing: Alumnae have chosen colleges, majors and even careers based on their experiences as a Fiat Girl. In the last two years alone, Fiat Girls have:
organized an anti-human trafficking chapter on a college campus and another on a high school campus
initiated a hand-made blanket drive for the homeless in New York City
sponsored a full high school scholarship for a Rwandan student, a girl born of genocide war rape
provided training and supplies for for Traditional Birth Assistants in Isiolo, Kenya
presented an anti-pornography campaign and guest speakers for high school students in Georgia
provided funding for a summer camp to serve underprivileged children in Georgia
We see the suffering in the world and we choose to accompany--to protect the dignity of the human person and to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters across the world. God is calling each of us, and we respond with a resounding YES.

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